Player System

About the player system

ScaleEngine players are totally portable. Unlike many video service providers, we have no restrictions on usage or context for your content.

The player system allows you to configure settings using one form, and generates a javascript player based on those settings. Settings are saved in a database, and generated each time the iframe or embed script is loaded, allowing you to change the saved settings without having to change the code embedded on your website.

This offers a significant advantage for players that will end up embedded in many locations, since they can be controlled from your control panel, with no website updating.

Using the player system

To use the player system, go to Players > List in the control panel. This will show you a list of configured players. The add player button will let you create a new player.

Fill out the form with the appropriate settings for the player, and save it. Then on the player's manage page, you will see an Embed Code section that gives you the options for embedding this player.

The Advanced section is where you select multibitrate, and add scrubbing thumbnails to VOD with a BIF (base index frames). For live streams you can select an autogenerated thumbnail. VOD can optionally use a specific poster url. Player watermarking is also supported.

  • Embed: This code will embed the bare player without referring to the database. Use this if you don't want the embed to change if the saved player is updated.
  • Short: This code is a single combined piece of javascript that will update when the player is changed.
  • Iframe: This is an iframe URL that will load an up to date player. The iframe will also work if your website uses a CMS that makes it difficult to embed javascript. You can also use the URL the iframe points to if you just want to give the player out to users without a web page to embed it on (useful for social posts).