Recording System

Live Stream Recording

Our Recording System takes your RTMP streams and records either the entire stream end to end, optionally segments by time intervals, or just records the portions you desire. You will have an mp4 file in your storage in about 15 minutes after your stream ends.

The system is configurable to your requirements. We provide recording controls in our control panel, through our API, and also provide code for you to use in your own web application.

Multi-bitrate streams are all recorded and are keyframe-aligned. We auto-generate smil manifests of the resultant VOD for simple posting of ready to use VOD.

Our recording system offers on the fly recording splitting with an API callback for immediate publishing of VOD. Perfect for sporting events, or anyone who needs their recordings published quickly.

Recording by Interval

Recording is available as either continuous or interval. You set it in the control panel, to either record all, or segment your recordings by time on a schedule, or by file size.

You can also adjust the recording interval from our API, using the streams endpoint to adjust the recording setings.

Manual splitting

You can split recordings manually from either the control panel controls, or by using our API.

Using the control panel, the record controls for start/stop/split will be located under the player in the stream manage page. After stopping or splitting, a message will be shown with the name of the new recording file.

Using the API, you can split recordings with the stream controls endpoint The response JSON contains the name of the created recording.